Wednesday, December 26, 2012

And then we were in France. Seltz, France

I know I bitch a lot-a lot- and it may seem as though I didn't enjoy this trip but honestly, I did. I really did. I mean, how many people dream about traveling and it ends at that, a dream? If you can pull it off, I say do it. Seriously

The ride from Karlsruhe into Seltz was a good one. Flat, my favorite, no rain, warm, and pretty. Mentioned in the previous post, we crossed into France on this day but when it happened, we weren't quite sure, as there were no markings. One hour it's signs in German, the next hour, "oh hey, looks like we're in France", with the signs in French. Well alrighty then.

PONIES!! Always a giddy girl for the equine 
No joke, this is the bike route. It shared with the large trucks
case in point
not nearly enough photos of Greg
I am channeling the Greg shot

I'd like to point out that due to all the rain the river was higher than usual
case in point
Seltz was a very tiny old town and very pretty. Aren't they all? We actually got a lot of help at the tourist center and a fair amount of bicycle maps. France apparently is a very bicycle heavy country. Who know? Tour de France anyone? The mosquitoes were a force to be reckoned with though, they were getting through my cycling gear. Bastards
Aside from Greg, this was the first time I swam on the trip. It was warm enough 
a typical laundry day for us; hand wash, hang dry

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