We’re just under the two month mark to vacate the States for, shall I say it, the greener pastures of Europe(and also some sore asses). Greg has been a diligent force of nature with getting our gear and bikes ready. I, well, I have been sitting on the couch eating chocolate covered pretzels, drinking beer, and letting him do all the work. Ok, that’s not completely true. He has been busting ass with research and whatnot, that I feel a bit like a dead weight. Le Sigh
At this point in the game, we have almost all the goods, our rough route planned, a lot of stuff packed for storage, and jobs notified. We’re getting to the point where we’ll be mostly focusing on the countdown. I wonder how we’re going to handle the day to day no job thing. I also wonder how it’s going to be on the road:
A. “we have 4.5 more months of this pain?”
B. “wow, we’re already half way through our trip”
C. “Jesus wept, we’re almost done?!”
D. All of the above
I keep telling Greg that he should expect that there will be moments of me running naked like a pixie through the countryside, and, dancing in some random countryside to Big Country’s “Big Country” from their hit album “Big Country...Lucky guy.
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