Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Prague, an epic picture post

So we arrived in Prague a few days after Greg's birthday in June and were greeted by Petr and Jitka, two very lovely people and the parents of Greg's good friend Zdenek. By this point we were complete nomads with no regular roof over our heads. Staying with these two generous people for 9 days - count them 9 - did two things two us: 1. made us a bit lazy and 2. made us gain some weight; ok, just me. Seriously, we were well fed and welcomed with open arms. It was a much needed change of pace from the day to day on the road.

The city was heavily influenced by the Art Nouveau period(my favorite) and Alphonse Mucha.

Tell me that doesn't look like a wicked evil castle
So far on this trip we had been very fortunate not to have fallen ill. True, there were times where we felt sniffles, or me more specifically, felt run down and overall just "off". However, it would seem the house of Petr and Jitka had recently suffered a strange plague of stomach flu brought on by a horrible fabled creature called a "child". Apparently these tiny creatures run amok getting into all sorts of things with no care in the world, transferring plagues from other tiny "child" beings amongst each other. Needless to say, one of us fell prey to this plague, more specifically, Greg. My poor loving man broke forth with some explosive vomiting and I would like to report that if he had had a long head of hair, I would have held it back for him. In this case, I just rubbed his back and did the wifely duty of clean up while he went promptly to bed. It knocked him flat for a few days and in the meantime, I had a husband free day of exploration, where I quickly ran sacked the city and sent it asunder.

In Prague, as with all the exploration of our surrounding cities, we walked, a lot. No joke, miles. Shot pictures, a lot. No joke, you think there's a large quantity on here? You should see our computer files. With this city there is no shortage of nooks and crannies to explore. You could walk down a major street, look right, and oh there's a tiny alley that leads to a jewel of an antique store. Yeah, it's rad. You can't sneeze without hitting some epic history in the old quarters.

so many creepy factors in this picture
Amazing little details are abundant

John Lennon wall. Anything cool is covered with unfortunate scribbles, but you can declare you were there!
A very large installation in a beautiful courtyard

Jewish temple in the old quarter. Stunning. Truly
We were graced with a Gerhswin show performed by a family member. The synagogue has wonderful acoustics
the lovely Jitka and one hell of a cook, I might add

Some of Greg's old skate stomping grounds

Communist era building. Now an art museum 
You to can bathe in beer, all for a low low price!

We were also lucky enough to see the Prague Philharmonic perform some Mozart
She's a stunning city, that Praha

I have no clue. Oh I'm sure there's some deep message. But yeah
So true
Petr and Jitka were so incredibly hospitable and generous that to this day, we still don't know how to fully thank them. We were well fed, had good conversations, enjoyed a nice day ride through the city with them, and we well rested. Thanks guys!
So the above mountain man to debonair man photo transformation was about three months of growth. That beard, three months you say?! Indeed.